Design & Drawing: Jun Zhou
Art Director: Fenger Zhang
Client: Hunan Education Press Group CO.Ltd

The crystal ball shows a lot of scenes. Lanck says: “I know where it is!” Wizard says:” it’s a long journey full of danger. I will get you some of my power, hope it will protect you and help you out when you meet trouble” Lanck thanks the wizard and continues his way. He goes through a lot of places and meets a lot of monsters! The Serpents surround the city. These monsters break all stairs, but Lanck could use the magic to move the stair a little bit to create a way for him. Lanck looked at the tallest building and thought, I need to go in there; the outside is so dangerous. He notices three soldiers are fighting with the serpents; Lanck says:” They are so brave. I need to find the lord soon and let him stop destroying everything.”

black and white comp

color comps

the key