Neko Ambulance
Draw: Mai Fan; Animation: Jun Zhou
The forest is gradually declining, and the lives of the animals are in imminent danger. At this moment, the Neko Ambulance appears and tries to save the animals from suffering! Players will take on the roles of cats and dogs, rescuing a variety of small animals from poaching vehicles, solving the problems brought by the reaper's dice, and revitalizing this forest once again!
Draw: Jun Zhou; Animation: Jun Zhou.       |.           Draw: Menmen; Animation: Jun Zhou
Car Design
by Jun Zhou
Poaching Cars
by Jun Zhou
Character Design
Design: Menmen; Animation: Jun Zhou
Inside the Game
Peripheral Products
by Jun Zhou

Player 1 uses A and D to move; W to jump; and F to interact.
Player 2 uses the left and right arrow keys (← and →) to move; the up arrow key (↑) to jump; Ctrl (R) to interact.
Game Planner: Penpen
Main Art and Animation: Jun Zhou
Character Design: Menmen
UI design: Mai Fan
Programmer: Rattar, Ganah
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